There are many reasons why relationships don't work. A surefire way to spot an incompatible union is: Do you support your partner when they are down? Are you jealous of their shine/success? When I ask these questions it's not about what you show on the outside, but, what you feel on the inside. Plenty of people will say they support their mate, but, they are only putting on a show. If you feel some sort of way when your mate is getting a lot of attention for who they are or when they are down and out because of a setback of different sorts; you're just not the right person for them.
This doesn't mean you need to always agree with this person. It simply means, when you're mate is happy being them or sad, dealing with adversity - YOU are always there, because, YOU want to be. NOT because you think you HAVE to be. If you're elated by your partners success and sad by their obstacles, you just might be on to something....
Be a better partner because you want to be...otherwise you are wasting everyone's time...